[RPG] have a character that’s a soul bound onto a construct, without homebrew


Is there a way to have a character who's a living construct, coming from a soul bound into a suit or a non-living construct? I'd like to use this as a player character. If there's a process by which such creatures created, how can I also find out about the detail on that?

In my current campaign this is what my character is, but it's homebrewed, and we may build on this in the future with new encounters, so I'd like to know if there's a way to do this without home-brewing.

Best Answer

This is a matter of plot, not rules, but warforged have the stats you want

In Eberron, warforged are made in Creation Forges of either Cannith or (spoilers) Quori design. The renegade mastermaker prestige class from Magic of Eberron details one way that a flesh-and-blood creature can become a living construct, there through literally grafting warforged components onto his or her body. This implies that it can be done.

And certainly, binding souls into constructs has a long and storied history in the sorts of narratives that D&D is based on. Nothing in Eberron, to my knowledge, actually describes such a thing taking place explicitly, and thus there are no rules for actually doing it, but it’s trivial to imagine fitting within Eberron.

So just play a warforged, but say you came about in a way that is different from other warforged. For that matter, how Creation Forges actually work is intentionally left a mystery for the DM to do with as he likes. It’s entirely possible that they are pulling souls from somewhere (most likely Dolurrh, but not necessarily). Such a character could easily have come from a Creation Forge accident. Eberron also has Eldritch Machines, literally monolithic blocks of Plot, which could certainly do this. And that’s assuming this isn’t just a grandiose variation on trap the soul or magic jar or even reincarnate.

I would not bother with rules for this, I would just write it into the backstory and use the warforged rules. If the actual event is to take place during the game, I would just describe the scene, and have you erase your prior racial stats and replace them with warforged.