[RPG] How does Lure of Flames work


I've been reading the Lure of Flames rules in the V20 version of Vampire the Masquerade and they seem unclear to me.

Fire conjured by The Lure of Flames must be released for it to have
any effect.


System: The number of successes determines how accurately the vampire
places the flame in his desired location (declared before the roll is
made). One success is all that is necessary to conjure a flame
in one's hand, while five successes place a flame anywhere in the
Kindred's line of sight.

As I understand it, the power allows the user to choose where the flames appear. Then they must be "released". What does this mean?

Do they appear in the user hand and he then has to throw them like a fireball? Do they appear at their final destination but the user can choose when to "release" them? Can you make them appear on someone and not do anything, using it as an intimidation mean? Can you quench the flames instead of releasing them?

Can this power be used as a direct attack? Can it be dodged?

Best Answer

"Released" means it is being conjured anywhere beyond the thaumaturge's own palm.

As per the v20 rules, the number of successes determines the accuracy of the placement of the flame. You need to declare the size of the flame (determines difficulty) and the desired placement before rolling (determines successes required).

If you want it to appear in your hand, it requires only one success. (Using anything above a palm sized flame in this case is not recommended...) Five successes means you can place it anywhere within your line of sight. It is indicated in v20 that, as a rule of thumb, you need one success per 10 yards of distance. Once the roll is successfull, there is no need for throwing or otherwise placing the flame, it immediately appears at the desired location.

When it is in your palm, it will not harm anyone including yourself, nor can it be thrown. It will function as a light and a tool to scare the crap out of other kindred. If placed anywhere else, it immediately becomes an active flame that causes damage and rötschrek. At that point, the thaumaturge no longer controls the fire and cannot quench it.

Dodging is not described in the book, but to me it seems that it can be dodged like a ranged attack if the victim has inits over the caster and knows what lure of flames is. (It's kind of hard to determine that someone is going to set you on fire if he is only looking at you.)

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