[RPG] Is a bonus action cantrip providing Dash overpowered


Would this cantrip be overpowered? Any class could get it.

Conjuration cantrip

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 bonus action

You can take the Dash action as part of the bonus action required to cast this cantrip.

Dash as a bonus action has a precedent, every 2nd level Rogue can do it.
For spellcasters the cost of getting this cantrip is low, but using it is very high, as you can't cast a leveled spell in your same turn.

It seems fine to me, but is there some feat, multiclass or other feature that makes this too strong?

Best Answer

Yes, it is unbalanced.

The proposed cantrip is far superior to an existing leveled spell: Expeditious Retreat.

There are other arguments, based primarily on what you can do on subsequent rounds. Those arguments involve a large number of build variables - specific spell slots, multi-classing, etc. - too many to accurately assess them all. However, they pale in comparison to two empirical facts:

  1. The proposed cantrip does not require a spell slot - it can be cast repeatedly without cost.
  2. The propose cantrip does not require concentration - it has no chance of being disrupted by damage, losing spent resources.

There's an established precedent with bonus action cantrips. The only other bonus action cantrips - Magic Stone and Shillelagh - both require an action to make effective use of the effect generated by the casting (an attack, in both cases). Making the proposed cantrip a bonus action and have it take effect immediately makes it better than most cantrips, too.