Potion Bonus – Understanding the Bonus in D&D 3.5e Potions


I couldn't find it anywhere, can someone help me understand what potion bonus in D&D 3.5 actually means? For example I can find in the example potions Shield of Faith +2.

It says:

This spell creates a shimmering, magical field around the touched creature that averts attacks. The spell grants the subject a +2 deflection bonus to AC, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every six levels you have (maximum +5 deflection bonus at 18th level).

Does it mean it gives another +2 deflection bonus to AC (so it gives +4) and +2 to the bonus for every six levels? (instead of +1)? Where should I apply this bonus given in the name to the potion effect?

Please forgive me if I haven't noticed it anywhere in the book or SRD, but I've tried to find it.

Best Answer

The potion bonus simply refers to how much you add to whatever statistic the related spell increases. So a "Potion of Shield of Faith (+2)" gives you a +2 Deflection bonus to AC, since that's the statistic Shield of Faith enhances.

It's written like that so it's easier and shorter than "Potion of Shield of Faith (caster level 1)" and then making the reader look up in the Shield of Faith spell what that will actually do.

You can deduce from the cost that the better potions are made at a higher caster level. (the +2 version costs 50gp, which means it's "1st level spell x caster level 1 x 50gp", while the +3 version costs 300gp, which means it's "1st level spell x caster level 6 x 50gp", and 6th level is where it starts granting the +3 bonus)