[SalesForce] Responsive Template Issue

We've been working on responsive email templates in Marketo, Mail Chimp, Campaign Monitor, and a variety of other products for some time now.

All have their perks and issues, but we've encountered a significant issue in ET that we're unable to resolve.

We're using a responsive template in ET with tags (so our non-HTML savvy clients can quickly add pre-built areas of content), and are finding that ET is generating two extra HTML tables around each generated custom content area, as well as some unwanted styling.

These extra tables are breaking the carefully designed email template, and make the building of a responsive template very difficult.

Please let us know what we can do:

  • Is there a way that we can disable this?
  • Can we turn it off at a system-level per-client?
  • Or, has anyone else come across and resolved this issue?

Best Answer

This is unfortunately how ET fills the template in its UI. I have not found a solution outside building the template with those tables in mind. Using AMPscript works much better, and does not add extra HTML, but requires more work and makes it harder to have non-savvy people use it. The new template language (guide template language or something like that) they are implementing seems like it will solve the issue. Maybe will be solved with Content Builder/Content Canvas. Sorry can't be more help.