Switch – Cannot get to the screw behind disconnect switch

accessibilitycircuit breakerscrewsswitch

I'm trying to unscrew what "seems" to be (I'm not an expert) a heat pump disconnect switch. I don't know the function of this box. It's also connected to the furnace (see pictures). Box is screwed on the 2×4. Problem I have is I cannot get to the screw in the box to remove it. Do you know what can be done to get access to the screw?enter image description here It seems that I have to remove in some way the black plastic cover in the box but I don't know how.enter image description here

Best Answer

Think the screw has nothing to do with removing the dead front. Think this is how:

Turn the switch to OFF.

Lift up the top plastic section using the holes on the side. This will allow lifting or prying the bottom section over the stop on the bottom.

But it may be that you just pry on the bottom in the central slot.