League-of-legends – Does the Blue Trinket reveal stealthed units


In League of Legends, does the blue trinket reveal stealthed targets?

If you are sighted with the Blue Trinket, and you immediately enter stealth, will it still reveal you or will you enter stealth as normal?

Best Answer

You will still be revealed if you are spotted BEFORE you enter stealth

You will NOT be revealed if you are already stealthed (as said in the tooltip)

Reveals small location within 2500 / 3500 range for 2 seconds (120 second cooldown). Enemy champions hit will be revealed for 5 seconds. This does not affect stealth champions.

this was discussed in a forumpost and no patch affected it since then.

If you want to counter champions that rely on stealth (Akali, Shaco, ...) I recommend Oracle's Lens. It lasts longer, reveals wards and has a pretty low cooldown.