League-of-legends – How Do I Keep Up In Level As Support


I usually play support, and it's often the case that by the time I'm level 13 or 14, everyone else is 16 or more. What's the best strategy for keeping up in level with everyone else?

Best Answer

You want to keep up in levels with everyone else. Keeping up in levels is very advantageous because typically utility abilities that support characters have become significantly better or more useful when they are a higher rank. Particularly on the cooldown reductions a rank up on a skill can add.

Getting the minion kill does not grant more experience to the person that got the last hit, it is evenly distributed. It is definitely a priority that your teammates have higher levels than the other team, but if you're behind in levels you start to become a liability.

Stay in lane as long as you can. You will fall behind slightly if you are warding correctly, so that is inevitable. However you need to be in lane as often as you can to get experience. Try to go back less and stay in lane more. It also helps to understand exactly how experience gain works in the game, which is outlined in the League Of Legends Wiki.

Being level 11 when your opponent is level 10 is a bigger advantage than most people think, you are right to be concerned with this problem.