League-of-legends – Is Rumble a viable jungler


I was just thinking that the AoE from his torch and the slow from his harpoon and the movement speed boost/shield would kinda make Rumble a pretty good jungler, but nothing like Skarner/Lee Sin. Has anyone done it?

Best Answer

As long as you can land your harpoons, jungle Rumble is actually really good. Running tanky AP runes (I run flat AP Quints, MPen reds, flat armor yellows, and either scaling MR or flat AP blues) and a combination of masteries that gives you MPen and armor (I run 21-9-0, picking up Bladed Armor, rather than Veteran Scars).

As for starting items, I tend to start either boots + 3 pots or an Amp tome to get an earlier revolver.

Found a link to a replay of CLG's Saintvicious! http://www.own3d.tv/video/285384/Saintvicious_Jungle_Rumble_Post_Mastery_Change...._It_is_pretty_damn_strong