League-of-legends – What are effective champions to use in a double AD comp


Today, I started learning AD Kayle top lane, and became excited about double AD comps. However, I don't really know how to get the other roles to co-ordinate with it well. I know that a support Nunu can be quite fun for the second role. That attack speed buff is awesome, not to mention that zone control his ultimate can add if the other team decides to dive you.

After that, I'm not really sure. I think Janna could be great as well for peeling and chasing. But I'm not sure for mid lane and jungle. I'm thinking they need to be thicker to make up for the lost HP top. Or maybe some AOE CC's could be great (eg. Malph or Galio). Could anyone give some suggestions on the other lanes that can co-ordinate better with having two range ADs?

Best Answer

Anivia and nautilus perhaps? Should work pretty well.

Anivia provides with a lot of utility and CC, meaning the AD will have time to damage the opponents and be safe, Nautilus is very tanky and filled with CC to protect the AD's, combined with Kayles ult you have one unreachable AD.

When late game comes and your ADs start to hurt, all you want to do is to give them time and space to damage the opponents, and you want them to live, so Nautilus provides 4 CCs and Anivia is like heaven for an AD, she can split a team up with a wall, slow an entire team and stun. This makes it really hard for the enemies to reach you, and even if they do, you have Kayle ulti to save you.