League-of-legends – What situations/champions are Manamune designed for


I've been trying out Manamune on some melee mana-users lately, but I haven't been having a ton of luck as opposed to using other items. Are there some specific champions or situations that would make this item more viable?

Best Answer

Manamune is an item usually for AD Casters who use single target damage/weave auto attacks between their skills.

The problem with this item is that it staggers your laning phase with most melee champions because you have to buy the tear first and then the item, which in turn doesn't give any good mid game stats.

Jayce gets it is to relieve his mana-costs, easy-stacking, his W in ranged form. Manamune is also good for single target damage like Kha'Zix, but it's difficult to be a jungler and get that item as well without sacrificing your mid game power.

So the champions you want to build this on: Blue Ezreal, Jayce and Urgot because they weave autoattacks and abilities almost constantly. It's funny but Ryze also enjoys the manamune because all of his abilities are single target and scale off of his mana. But why go that route when you can go Archangel's staff, right?

Most melee mana-users have better mana sustain than ranged casters, and are better to rush other items like Brutalizer or other melee items. And since most AD Melees are also considered fighters, they get things like Frozen heart or Iceborn Gauntlet and that relieves the mana issues too.