League-of-legends – What’s the right time to go back to the fountain to heal and buy


I'm sure everyone has had this issue at some point. Outleveling your lane enemy is usually the difference between life and death. So the question is when to hit the recall button. Interested in all lanes, all roles. For example, Support: hit recall when you have 620 gold to get that Philosopher's Stone.

Best Answer

The amount you return to fountain should always be minimized

You'll notice an experienced player returns to fountain much less often than a newer player. Less time at the fountain means more income.

We can break down the logic into periods of the game:


High level goals of laning phase:

  • Out farm your opponent
  • Control the tower
  • Get kills if possible.

Backing Tips:

Try to return after pushing your lane.

Make sure your opponent can't shove the lane and cause you to lose CS at the tower while you're returning

Try to return ONLY after you've saved enough to actually purchase something

What's the point to returning to heal, if you could have waited one more wave and purchased a big item to help?

Return if you need additional health or wards

This is tricky. Unless you feel like you're in absolute danger of dying to an attack or gank from the jungler then you do not need to go back.

Mid Game

High level goals of Mid game:

  • Push Towers
  • Control Objectives
  • Farm

Backing Tips:

Don't just back if you're low on health or mana

Even if you're low on health, if you're knowledgeable of the enemy and have map awareness, you can still farm and gain gold until you have enough for an item. This is especially true if you have life steal.

Playing a mage with low mana? Knowing blue is up in 15 seconds can save you a trip and valuable time.

Don't back when you know an objective is close

I know you're dying to finish your Infinity Edge, but what's it worth when you're back at base and your team just died at dragon?

If you find yourself in a position where you can get significantly stronger, ask your team to stall an objective while you purchase. Make sure you have vision of the objective before backing.

Late Game

High level goals of late game:

  • Objectives
  • Team pushing

Backing Tips:

Be sure to back with your team, or when you don’t put them at risk

I've seen a lot of games lost from one poor initiation late game. If you're not with your team, you increase the chance of having your team killed without you. Back when you feel you're not going to place your team in a position when you're at base, and they're getting caught.

Know timers for objectives

If baron is up in 10 seconds and the enemy knows you're backing, you better believe they're going to start baron knowing they have an advantage. As I mentioned earlier, if you MUST back, let your team know to stall, and do NOT let the other team know you're backing.

That's just the tip of the iceberg, honestly. It all comes down to intuition. Best of luck

-- Taijii