League-of-legends – Why choose a specific team comp based on your map side


Would a team specifically choose different champs based on their map side? Bottom side has advantage late game on Baron control, while top side has advantage early game on Dragon control. Or do teams just pick their champs and team comps without the map being a factor? What specific team comps would be good for early or late game?

Best Answer

There isn't a large difference between the different sides, however, it is easier to run a double AP team on the blue team, since the blue buff is between top and mid lane. Also, Lee Sin does have the ability to sneak dragon on the blue team, since his q can allow him to hop over the back wall of dragon, and possibly avoid wards if dragon itself is not warded. However, it is easier for purple team to steal blue team's blue buff, since only 3 people can easily protect blue's blue, while 4 people can protect purple's blue.