DnD 5e Attack Races MTG Plane Shift – Can Any Attack Be Used with Bloodthirst?


Plane Shift: Ixalan includes the race vampire that possesses the trait bloodthirst that, in part, says

You can drain blood and life energy from a willing creature, or one that is grappled by you, incapacitated, or restrained. Make a melee attack against the target. If you hit, you deal 1 piercing damage and 1d6 necrotic damage. (14)

  1. Can this melee attack include melee attacks using weapons and spells?
  2. Is this a special "melee attack" as per shove or trip?
  3. What would be the modifier for the "melee attack" if there is one?

Best Answer

  1. No

The syntax is ambiguous but given the text of the effect it seems safe to assume this is not a weapon/spell attack as it gives a specific result (even if you rule that you can use a weapon it would still have the exact effect given: 1 piercing and 1d6 necrotic so it would be a moot point). Plus, thematically this is clearly supposed to represent a bite attack.

  1. Yes. See point 1

  2. 1d20 + proficiency bonus + Strength modifier (the standard for a physical melee attack, though I am making an assumption that the vampire is proficient in his own special attack!).

Disclaimer: Not sure how 'official' the Plane Shift: Ixalan stuff is, so there is always wiggle room there.