Shadowrun SR5 – Technomancers in Outer Space Scenarios


Are technomancers gods in space compared to all other magic archetypes? I've heard in space Magic users are subject to a -6 to -12 penalty to their magic (i.e., 0 for everyone), assensing doesn't work or leads to insanity and drain causes you to explode.

But Technomancers use a different stat for their powers correct? Would a technomancer rule unchecked in space? Should we retire all our magic users as worthless and make technomancers instead?

Best Answer

Technomancers do not suffer from being away from the Manasphere in space.

However, being in areas without at least a basic Wi-Fi is very distracting, and without a Matrix connection Technomancers generally feel uneasy.

This can be alleviated by having a couple of comlinks to create a background of nodes and traffic, but the slow connection to the matrix can be quite bothersome: In most of space, you are either under Static Zone 5 or 6 (satellite uplink or no matrix access at all) as a baseline.1

However, Spacetravel and runs in Zurich Orbital or similar aren't much of a topic in SR5. The most recent depiction of what space feels like for Technomancers was in the SR4 Emergence and Hazard Pay books.

1 - SR5 Core p.230