Learn English – What’s a modern equivalent of “fie on thee”


Is there a modern equivalent to the archaic expression "fie on thee"?

I'm aware of expressions such as "damn you" and the like, but I'm looking for something less strong.

Best Answer

According to Etymology online, fie (late 13c) was

a general sound of disgust that seems to have developed independently in many languages.

So, today, it seems a good correlation would be the tsk-tsk sound one makes with their tongue on hearing something they disapprove of. (Maybe the Brits say Tut!, but I don't know. I think of Winnie the Pooh when I hear that.)

Another exclamation still used for the same purpose is

pshaw (interj.) exclamation of contempt or rejection, by 1670s.

I've heard people "say" pffft! or hmmph! for the same reason.